
Review of short story in Cleaver Magazine

Cleaver Mag Issue 2

Some kind words about Christopher’s short story from a reviewer of Cleaver Magazine’s latest issue: “The issue’s best short stories come from Kat Carlson and Christopher X. Shade and fit squarely into literary fiction rubric… Shade’s “In Very Little Time on the Nile” is a lyrical meditation on storytelling and people watching as Howard, a man on a tourist cruise to Aswan, imagines the life an attractive fellow passenger has been leading alongside his over the course of their intersecting vacations. Shade cleverly uses the woman’s scarf as a trigger for Howard’s fantasies, and it becomes a recurring detail, a thread that tightens the story’s scope.”

Christopher’s story “In Very Little Time On The Nile” appeared in Cleaver Magazine Issue #2, June 2013.

See the full review at The Review Review here: “New Online Mag Cuts Sharply Through the Din


“In Very Little Time On The Nile” in Cleaver Magazine

Cleaver Mag Issue 2Christopher’s story “In Very Little Time On The Nile” appears in Cleaver Magazine Issue #2, June 2013.